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Creativity Comes Easy (But the Business Aspect Might Not)

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Creativity Comes Easy (But the Business Aspect Might Not)

If you’re an artist, it might be hard for you to believe that creativity doesn’t come easy to everyone. But although your talents flow like paint on a blank canvas, many artistic types struggle with the business side of entrepreneurship. Never fear: There are many things you can do to smooth out the painfully logical aspects of running a business — and shake off the ‘starving artist’ label for good. Mettā Creative shares the goods.

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Catharsis + Mettā Dance Medicine NYE Edition

Catharsis + Mettā Dance Medicine NYE Edition

Somehow, though, I’ve found myself nurturing the happiest parts of being human time and time again while being alongside strangers thanks to Mettā Creative. It’s exactly because this group is innovating what it means to curate a social event.