

Beauty in the Backyard is more than just a festival. It is a community of people who value creativity, diversity, and harmony. It is a place where you can be yourself, express yourself, and enjoy yourself. It is a celebration of life in all its beauty. If you are interested in joining this amazing event, visit their website for more information and tickets. Don't miss this chance to have an unforgettable summer experience at Beauty in the Backyard!


Creativity Comes Easy (But the Business Aspect Might Not)

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Creativity Comes Easy (But the Business Aspect Might Not)

If you’re an artist, it might be hard for you to believe that creativity doesn’t come easy to everyone. But although your talents flow like paint on a blank canvas, many artistic types struggle with the business side of entrepreneurship. Never fear: There are many things you can do to smooth out the painfully logical aspects of running a business — and shake off the ‘starving artist’ label for good. Mettā Creative shares the goods.

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18 Resources for Racial reciprocIty

18 Resources for Racial reciprocIty

Blockchain and Sustainability

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Blockchain and Sustainability

This blog post is a featured chapter from Srihari Kapu’s new book Blockchain Explained: A Pragmatic Approach. Read on to learn about Mettā Creative’s MTTA Token.

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This is Rahul, Rahul is a retailer. He is sure that he leads a sustainable life. He buys organic product from the supermarket, travels by hybrid car and uses domestic solar electricity. But does this mean he had been living a sustainable life. Let's go back to the beginning. Even our ancestors from the great Ashoka empire, were cautious about the environment, Indeed King Ashoka had planted a lot of trees. As our ancestors had realised that you shouldn't cut down more trees than you shall grow again to replace them. 

Nowadays sustainability is seen as a global concept. These can be explained with the help of the three pillar model of sustainability. The model is based on environmental, economic and social considerations, which must always be regarded as belonging together. 

  1. Environmental Considerations: Climate Protection which is widespread protecting the resources, and biodiversity. Also food should be grown organically. That is, we should stop using pesticides and farm animals would be given fodder produced on the farm, we must use natural resources more sparingly to. One of them is petrol, which we need for our cars, but sooner or later this resource will be exhausted. So there'll be no fuel so this is why we're looking very hard for an environmentally friendly alternative, so that future generations will have environmentally friendly cars, electric lanes.

  2. Economy: People should only find local produce of the same season in his region, like strawberries in summer, mangoes from Thailand or Durians from Malaysia and Indonesia arrived by air or water transport, transporting them causes a lot of pollution. 

  3. Social Responsibility: Better education and training opportunities, equal rights for men and women, fighting poverty and prosperity for the whole of humanity. Manufacturers should have the vision to pay attention to local population needs rather than curbing the resources and leaving people with no resources to survive on. 

So, Rahul tries to do justice to the three pillar model of sustainable living. When he buys organically grown produce, when he goes to work on his hybrid cars powered by green energy. He really does live sustainably. Many corporations and manufacturers exploit consumers environmental awareness. Not all the products that claim to be from Fairtrade organic farming, sustainable are really from fairtrade or sustainable produce. It's hard for consumers to be well informed about the products and where they're coming from. On the lower note blockchain can help in resolving these problems. 

New blockchain solutions are making clean, decentralized energy, such as rooftop solar power, much more accessible, affordable and easier to adopt. Blockchain also enables neighbors to trade clean energy with each other, without needing to go through a utility. It can even power systems that encourage people and businesses to conserve energy. There are already perks for eco-conscious individuals and their (digital) wallets, with new blockchain systems that reward those who take action against climate change.  In order to create a more transparent, streamlined and accountable system for businesses, consumers and countries to adhere to. By doing so, blockchain could be a key part of reducing emissions and waste as well as improving on the manufacturer and consumer problems which we discussed. blockchain has the potential to create a new societal awareness and reward those who choose to act more sustainable. It will, in theory, help to build a framework which we understand how our carbon emissions work, educating us on our personal effect on the planet.

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Blockchain Emergence

Blockchain is set to disrupt many industries in the coming decenniums. Quite a few people ken the positive impact that it could have on the environment. Blockchains can avail truncate bureaucracy and fraud, make organisations more transparent and democratic. avail track the inchoations and forms of kineticism of products and embolden people and institutions to adopt environments practices. Here are seven channels blockchain can avail forfend the environment and invert climate change.

Supply chain management:

Most people prefer to buy products that are ethically engendered, but it's not always facile to find that information. products go through many hands afore they reach the store shelves. And it's very facile for companies to prevaricate about how their products are made, what materials and chemicals they utilize, where they dump the garbage or how fairly they treat their employees. Blockchains can be habituated to track products from the engenderer to the store show and avail avert waste, inefficiency, fraud and unethical practices by making supply chains more transparent. They can additionally avail consumers to be better apprised about how each product was made and shipped, so that they can make more environmentally cordial culls. If we tracked pabulum for example, this could enable buyers to purchase local projects kenning that it was grown locally. It would withal avail cut down on carbon emissions due to pabulum not having to peregrinate long distances. blockchains could ascertain that a fish being sold at a fish market authentically emanated from sustainable fishermen or verify that a bag of coffee genuinely emanated from a fair trade engenderer. Aliment trucks is a blockchain powered app and development that aims to do just that. Truck victuals from the source to the store show. “Provenance” is a startup utilizing blockchain technology to make supply chains more transparent. Provenance  has piloted the utilization of blockchain to track tuna supply chains in Indonesia and to monitor engender for British grocer Co-op Victuals. It wants to make it simpler for companies to verify sustainability claims.

Energy Efficiency:

Traditional power grids are centralised, which can engender inefficiencies and energy distribution, like having unutilized surplus in components of the world affected by natural disasters or impecuniosity, power outages can leave people without access to electricity for long periods of time. A peer-to-peer blockchain predicated energy system would truncate the desideratum to transmit energy over long distances and preserve the energy that could get disoriented along the way. By locally directing energy from where it's engendered to where it's needed, it would avail minimize the desideratum for energy storage. transactive grid is a joint venture between consensus and LR three that is working on a blockchain platform that solves this quandary. Sun contract is a blockchain predicated peer to peer energy trading platform for solar and other renewables. Power Plant installations are sumptuous and are often financed by regimes or sizably voluminous private companies. A blockchain predicated platform would sanction people to directly invest in renewable energy installations in their area and around the world. Eco chain is a blockchain app and development which aims to do precisely that. Electric chain is another blockchain platform with several apps like solar coin, which aims to incentivize solar installations around the world.

Environmental Treaties:

Tracking the impact or compliance of environmental treaties can be arduous and often there are no incentives for regimes or corporations to consummate treaties they enter. Fraud and manipulation of data are withal quandaries in this area. Around $9 million is spent annually on administering the ecumenical carbon credits system alone. The blockchain can be habituated to transparently track environmental data and show whether commitments were met. Once the data is entered into the public blockchain. It stays there sempiternally. Utilizing the blockchain to track carbon credits and licit documents would cut down on administration costs and daunt corporations and regimes from backpedalling on their environmental promises or misreporting their progress.

Charitable Donations:

When you donate to an environmental charity, it can be arduous to track where the mazuma goes or how it is spent. Bureaucracy, corruption, and inefficiency are still prevalent in the charity space. Blockchain technology can ascertain that mazuma intended to be a reward for conservation or payment to a categorical cause does not vanish into unintended pockets through bureaucratic labyrinth. Utilizing blockchain mazuma could even be relinquished automatically to the right parties for meeting concrete environmental targets. Block chains enabled funds to be transferred without bank accounts. This is propitious to people in countries without good banking infrastructure. This denotes that it's possible to send mazuma directly to people who needed without going through an involute web of middlemen or centralised ascendant entities that give substratum and build hope are to blockchain projects fixated on ascertaining that donations peregrinate where they're intended.


Regarding the current system of carbon taxation, it is arduous to optically discern the environmental impact of each product and its carbon footprint is not factored into the price. This betokens that there is diminutive incentive for consumers to buy products with a low carbon footprint for companies to sell such track. The carbon footprint of each product utilizing the blockchain would bulwark this data from tampering, and it can be habituated to deduce the amount of carbon tax to be charged at the point of sale. If a product with an astronomically immense carbon footprint is more extravagant to buy, this would embolden buyers to buy products that are more environmentally amicable, and would embolden companies to restructure their supply chains to meet the ordinant dictation. A blockchain predicated reputation system could additionally give each company and product a score predicated on the carbon footprint of the products they sell. This would make manufacturing more transparent and dismayed wasteful and environmentally uncongenial practices.


Current recycling programs often give little or no incentive. For people to participate. The responsibility for running these recycling programs often falls on individual cities and it can be arduous to track their impact. A recycling program on the blockchain would enhearten participation by giving a financial reward in the form of a cryptographic token, in exchange for depositing recyclables like plastic containers cans, bottles. It would withal make it facile to transparently track the amounts of materials, recycled costs and profits and evaluate the impact of each participant inopportune. recycle the coin is an app that provides a token reward for returning plastic containers utilizing automated machines. Plastic bag is another blockchain powered project that enables the exchange of old plastic for mazuma, items or accommodations in third world countries.


Incentivization for engaging in environmentally sustainable actions isn't always clear, especially regarding short term realizations. Blockchain technology can avail both individuals and companies visually perceive the authentic impact of their actions and embolden them to take actions that benefit the environment. Blockchain can be acclimated to transparently track the carbon footprint of products, greenhouse gases or waste emissions from factories, or a company's overall history of compliance to environmental standards. Companies and individuals can be enheartened to act in environmentally sustainable ways to transparency of information credits being issued for taking certain actions, or blockchain predicated reputation systems. These incipient incentives have the potential to transmute what drives our economy and benefit not only us, but future generations living on our planet.

Current economic models were set up to grow GDP by engendering and consuming more products with constrained to no fascinates to have a concern on environmental damage that occur as a by product of growing economic consequentiality. As a consequence, natural capital was not accounted for in the system, engendering a vigorous incentive for people to simply overuse natural resources, conserving the natural capital was not accounted for increases in GDP or making profits for corporations or institutions. Today, of course, we realise that this whole linear economic framework is unsustainable. And one of the most efficacious ways to alter the model is endeavoring to incorporate the costs and benefits that accrue from ecosystems into economic models of accounting. This denotes essentially placing a value on the ecosystem so that people factor for incremental costs of their actions into the cost benefit equation under which they're acting, and we call this full cost accounting or natural capital accounting. It’s a conception which is not so incipient. Indeed, it's becoming more mainstream in a recent with incipient circular and blue economic models which can avail in enhancing the zero waste and sustainable lifestyle.

“Natural resources will become as prominent a business concern in the 21st century.” We are already overusing the resources by 50% more than the Earth can replenish and the rate of depletion is expediting. All too anon, businesses will fail as they are no more remuneratively lucrative because of the cost of acquiring the resources will become more sumptuous than afore, Business will be coerced to acclimate sustainable measures or fail. This would indeed be more facile to engender utilizing the facilities of blockchain token economies which redesign incipient incentive structures that has the potential to fundamentally alter this current dynamic between economy and environments. When designed congruously, token economies cumulated potent incentive structures for people to collaborate on growing some underlying resources of value to the community. The same capacity can be harnessed to develop, conserve, replenish and grow resources by communities towards building a sustainable and environmentally amicable ecosystem. Unlike in traditional Industrial Age, economic system doesn't be quantified and incentivizes people to consume products. By engendering token systems, we can authentically incentivize more people. For any action that is propitious to growing natural habitat and resources. Tokens can be gained by culling less consumptive options to conserve and replenish resources.

As discussed aforetime, blockchain is not magic, you can only authenticate what is within the network. In order to ascertain that the information that is inputted into the system is authentic and rectifies, it requires to work in tandem with other technologies. Here again, the blockchain will have to work along with IoT systems and astronomically immense data advanced analytics. If we're going to be able to automatically ascertain that the fish was fished at the location inputted into the network. Data automatically inputted from tamper proof IoT systems will then be cross correlated with data points from the multiplicity of other sources could work great at engendering trustworthy inputs and reliable information to someone on the other cessation of the supply chain automatically without human intervention afore distributed database.

Blockchain and Sustainability Startups

Sustainy is a web and mobile app that aims to help sustain society and Earth, by helping users consume sustainably, it empowers them to measure, track, compare, share, facilitate, and reward their consumption of food that is sustainable and healthy for Earth, society, and the body.


Measure the impacts of your consumption quantitatively for each item consumed. Have you ever wondered how much carbon you emit when you eat that hamburger? Now you easily scan or voice input the name of a food product and know exactly how much carbon you will emit if you eat it.

Track your carbon footprint and learn how you can improve your score.

Compare your score to the score of your specific demographic or a certain group, like your friends on Facebook. Compare your score to the ideal consumer’s score.

Share your score and the badges you earn for making progress and leveling up your Sustainy score.

Earn rewards for improving your score, contributing data and content to the system, reaching . Earn Sustainy credits for consuming sustainably. Use credits to enter into lotteries, redeem discount tokens, and exchange for products with Sustainy partners.


Mettā Creative has a mission to connect and inspire a mettā-driven community to live more sustainably through transformative experiences. Mettā Creative is using blockchain to enhance the human experience: MTTA Token is used to incentivize participation and environmentally regenerative behavior while encouraging mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency.

Mettā Creative’s Story:


These days people engage primarily in and on virtual platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, resulting in the loss of many of our interpersonal, face-to-face communication skills, even parts of our own personality. It can be difficult to engage with strangers, and today’s society is geared towards a less interactive existence.  The rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness are astronomical. Human beings have always created "third places" (other than home or work) to connect with others and socialize. Today, there are some community centers, country clubs and senior homes, which are geared to older communities. Millenials don't really have a place to make genuine connections with new people 😣

Mettā Creative Cryptocurrency

Mettā Creative is one of the first blockchain companies in the world to focus on utilizing blockchain for sustainable endeavors. Using a utility token to incentivize participation, Mettā Creative incentivizes individuals to engage in events, workshops, and activities, such as a scavenger hunt, referred to as MTTA Quests, where participants can earn MTTA by completing tasks focused on reconnecting with self, other and nature. Some of the quests involve activities such as meeting new people, mindfulness meditations, and recycling efforts.

Sustainability is often just a catchy buzz-word; however, society is causing incredible damage to the planet. At the current rate of damage, human existence on this planet is not sustainable for much longer. We need to revolutionize the way we think and act in order to save the Earth, our only home.

There is massive potential in people gatherings to collaborate and engage in like-minded events. The inspiration and awe that people feel at music festivals and other cultural festivals. We need community to learn and grow as individuals, as well as a community; we thrive in communal living situations. America, and now much of the world, is losing its culture and forgetting its history.

There is a connotation that living regeneratively is an inconvenience; having to determine which items are recyclable, what can be composted, what behaviors are sustainable and which are not. Mettā Creative’s objective is to change the perception of sustainable living, making it easy for people to learn about a regenerative lifestyle through engaging events. Each Mettā Creative experience involves people engaging in fun and exciting ways; in addition, individuals are rewarded for participating. Participants come to have fun, and also leave with practical knowledge and applicable ways to live regeneratively.

MTTA Token:

Mettā Creative is developing an Event Management System (EMS) that attendees can interact with, encouraging participation in the events through a rewards system utilizing Mettā Creative’s own cryptocurrency, the MTTA Token.

The EMS will contain the normal functions of an event management system: event planning, team management, ticket management, invoicing, etc. It will also include:

  • attendee rewards 

  • live notifications

  • map & schedule 

  • interactive ‘find friends’ geo-location functionality

  • chat messaging

  • live help forum

as well as other functions for events in the modern age, to facilitate more cohesive event management and encourage participation of attendees at Mettā Creative events. 

Mettā Creative is building the next generation of tools on the ethereum blockchain, which will eventually be applied in different industries and provide sustainable solutions for the problems in various events sectors.

Using one or many manual systems may be effective for small events; however, the complex process of traditional event management, paperwork and contracts involve high costs, third parties and greater chance of manual error in such processes.

With technology and digitization on the rise, Mettā Creative is making these processes more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective with the help of smart contracts. The concept is to avoid any intermediaries or third-party management systems and combine all the necessary aspects of event management into one platform that attendees can interact with directly at the event, and event managers can manage and analyze real time.

Mettā Creative’s digital wallet allows users to easily send MTTA token to friends or vendors. MTTA token distribution is based on participation in events and activities promoting and involving environmental sustainability. 

Mettā Creative is also revolutionizing the way the way attendees participate in live events. Using the company’s cryptocurrency, the MTTA token, to incentivize participation at events, resulting in higher engagement in the community and faster adoption of cryptocurrency. The Ethereum (ETH) network is the most established cryptocurrency platform, and Mettā Creative is looking forward to collaborating with other ETH developers to build a stronger community around blockchain and push the boundaries on how events operate in the modern age.

A core part of Mettā Creative’s mission is making sustainability fun, easy and interesting. One of the major ways this is accomplished is by integrating MTTA token into games, workshops and activities that promote environmental sustainability and cryptocurrency adoption. We educate our attendees on the basics of cryptocurrency, as well as wallet creation, and fiscal responsibility. 

The Mettā Creative MTTA Token project will impact the ecosystem swiftly within the upcoming years. There is a large Mettā Creative community that is eager to get involved in both sustainability, and blockchain. 

Sensegrass is the World’s first smart farming solution for fertilizers management and to detect crop disease to increase crop yield with water control tools. Majority of agricultural farms in the world are less than two acres and it is difficult for farmers in getting access to expensive technology to predict farm conditions and diagnosis. Sensegrass brings first smart farming technology with the combination of multispectral cameras and Aerial drone sensors for farm management with AI-based software. Sensegrass is a smart farming solution to solve agriculture issues with one software. SenseGrass offers 360 farming solutions based on cutting edge technology like Nano-Satellite Mapping, Rover Bots and AI-based mobile & web application that makes farming super-efficient & easy.


Blockchain as a technology has vast applications in various fields as it helps to solve the core issues of transparency and authenticity. Just in the case of sustainability, Blockchain with other technologies such as big data, machine learning, IOT and AI can do miracles in making sustainable goals met. 


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A Beacon of Hope

A Beacon of Hope

A Beacon of Hope On May 2nd, The REED Center & Mettā Creative safely and cleanly hosted organizers of Catharsis on the Mall to build, live stream, and burn a ceremonial beacon, standing in solidarity with Vigil Beacons throughout the Washington DC region as a part of Catharsis on The Net's 'Online Vigil'.

Adorned with flowers, The full-size grandfather clock, procured and reimagined by Catharsis on the Mall Trunk Member and Metta Creative's Minister of Magic, Sha Golanski, represented so beautifully the current state of the world. Distanced from the usual pace of life, we watched, the burning of time, sharing the moment with thousands of peers around the world, through cyberspace. Many participants chose to fill out a form online, communicating things they wanted to let go of, or things that inspire joy and hope.

These verbal energetic offerings were all printed out and burned in the Ceremonial Beacon as a method of offering Cathartic release for our extended community. Inevitably, we all burn time, consciously or unconsciously. Some of us have been graced with more time on our hands, and some of us have felt drowned by the minutes that have run out...

No matter our situation, the Beacon of Hope presented us with an opportunity to look inwardly and offer meaning as we experience the whirlwind of emotions of elemental energy.

For more information about the vigil and the organization, visit Catharsis on the Mall And stay in touch with Metta Creative as they continue to connect and inspire communities around the world through transformational experiences. @mettamakers

There's so much goodness being prepared to be shared with the community at The REED Center @thereedcenter , with a Permaculture Design Course on the horizon.

To connect with the designer of the Beacon of Hope, Sha Golanski, reach out on Instagram @plantbasedpirate and @rainbow_crow_creative

Indulge in Good Food and Good Vibrations with Sound Bath & Potluck Sundays!


Indulge in Good Food and Good Vibrations with Sound Bath & Potluck Sundays!

Creative Labs, in collaboration with Metta Creative, will be offering a refreshing and comfortable space for makers and shakers to come together weekly! On Sunday evenings from 5:30-9 PM, the incredible artistic community of Baltimore and beyond can come together in Creative Labs’s collaborate art warehouse and indulge in a bountiful potluck and rejuvenating sound bath experience. Fill up with an abundant spread of plant-based food options and unwind as powerful, healing tones resonate through your body and mind.


At the forefront of the event, Justin Patterson offers his culinary expertise in the realm of plant-based foods. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own dishes as well, to share with and nourish the community. All attendees who arrive with food in hand receive $5 off entry! Whether you’re taking the opportunity to learn to make that vegan dish you’ve been dreaming of, or simply clearing out perishables to avoid food waste, every effort is appreciated in this space! Justin will be providing one specially-curated dish and a salad weekly, so don’t let empty arms and an empty belly deter you!

This event’s starring feature is a deeply immersive sound bath experience led by Mary Gellen (@soundwizardmary), a self-proclaimed and widely-respected Sound Wizard. Participants enter the space through a converted-van-turned-art-project, inspiring an artistic environment similar to that of the famous Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The healing experience is held in a geodesic dome piled high with pillows while psychedelic fractals and imagery are projected overhead, pulsating as bodies fill the intimate space. 


Channeling divine feminine energy and focused expertise, Mary utilizes a massive gong to carry the group through guided meditation, creating powerful sound waves to wash over and refresh your being. On occasion, Mary will be accompanied by guest facilitators who provide healing vocals, tibetan singing bowls, and other energetically-charging tools. Last week, Sha Golanski (@plantbasedpirate) led a ceremony with freshly-brewed cacao manifested directly from Guatemala. To round out the experience, the community goes around the room introducing themselves, opening up to one another about the experience. They’re even able to participate in some sound production of their own, from collective oms to shaking tambourines and maracas!

For tickets

FB Event Link, Alternate

Creative Labs Facebook

Mettā Creative Facebook

MightyNetworks Metta members receive $5 off!

For information on Metta Creative… 


For information on Creative Labs… 


For more information on sound baths and sound healing…

For more information on plant-based eating & health benefits…

Article by Rachel Grimsley (@hoopfairy)


The Bethesda Maryland Slackline Social Club and Spaceworks Present: Bassline Flow!


The Bethesda Maryland Slackline Social Club and Spaceworks Present: Bassline Flow!

Been on the lookout for community slackline events in Washington DC and Maryland? Give yourself some slack, there haven’t been many available. 


Starting in February 2020, there will be some new events available to keep you on your toes in 2020! The Bethesda Slackline Social Club (@bethesdaslackline) and Spaceworks (@spaceworks_ee) are teaming up to offer a community skill-sharing meetup every Sunday afternoon!

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Numerous slacklines streak their way across the park, at different tension levels and heights, creating an ideal space for pros and practicers alike. Incorporating music, flow arts, hammocking and more, these events are prepared to offer much more than just slacklining. Bassline Flow is an incredible place to come together with your local community and share in adventurous hobbies! Bethesda Slackline Social Club, led by Carson Schneider, is leading the way in community-oriented slacklining events out of the DC metro area. Spaceworks (@spaceworks_ee), headed by community leader and highlining enthusiast Ethan Arkin, is a slackline-oriented business that is gearing up to deck out all kinds of events with slacklines, highlines and spacenets. 

The Balance in the Backyard team

The Balance in the Backyard team

For those who aren’t familiar, a slackline is essentially a wide tightrope. They can be pulled taught for rigidity and precision or hung somewhat loosely for a bouncier, more surf-like experience. Highlining is exactly as it sounds: a slackline but higher off the ground. That being said, there is a significant safety and security process that goes along with arranging lines like this, and that’s where organized and knowledgeable communities such as this come in handy! “Spacenets” follow classic climbing techniques that incorporate creative, intricate designs. By webbing together numerous nets, lines and other structures, you can climb with ease through the trees! People have gone so far as to set up spacenets inside and between buildings, over and around dance floors at music events, and so much more. In 2019, spacenets were featured at the Makers camp at DC’s Catharsis on the Mall event and at Beauty In The Backyard, a local festival event based out of Maryland (see links below).

Marshall at Beauty in the Backyard 2019

Marshall at Beauty in the Backyard 2019

Events like this, in tandem with music and arts festivals, community projects and more will be taking the world by stride. One stride across the slackline at a time, that is. From adventurers and thrill seekers to those who just like to “hang out” - these events have a little something for everyone.

For more information on Bethesda Slackline and other DC slackline opportunities…

@bethesdaslackline more information on spaceworks… 


For more information on slacklining, high-lining, and space nets…

More more information on events that incorporate space nets…

To purchase your own slackline…

Article by Rachel Grimsley (@Hoopfairy)


Catharsis + Mettā Dance Medicine NYE Edition

Catharsis + Mettā Dance Medicine NYE Edition

Somehow, though, I’ve found myself nurturing the happiest parts of being human time and time again while being alongside strangers thanks to Mettā Creative. It’s exactly because this group is innovating what it means to curate a social event.


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“It all seemed quite exquisite, especially in that this temple was all inclusive, and its beauty was only magnified by the fact that everyone could write on the walls---their fears, hopes, dreams. Things to let go and renew. “

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Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do

How many friends do you have? Real friends? How many Facebook friends do you have?

It’s getting harder to know the difference… Today, it seems we are all connected virtually, but disconnected personally… it is easy to get lost in the digital world, separating ourselves further and further from other people, ourselves and nature.